Clubs & Activities
GSA - Mr. Bluestone
Genders & Sexualities Alliances, or GSAs for short, is a student-run organizations that unite LGBTQ+ and allied youth to build community and organize around issues impacting them in their schools and communities.
Student Union - Ms. Heesacker
Thursdays at lunch in Room 333. (Sometimes meetings are moved to Mondays, and students can pay attention to Remind group for weekly updates)
Mesa - Mr. Park
MESA USA is a consortium of statewide MESA programs representing 10 states across the country. MESA USA operates collaboratively to broaden participation and improve academic outcomes for underrepresented students in STEM education. MESA programs combine to serve over 50,000 K-16 students annually.
ASB Student Leadership - Ms. Hutchinson
Associated Student Body or ASB is a representative group of the School for the Visual Arts and Humanities students who communicate and interact with the student body to create and uphold a positive school environment by hosting activities, determining funds, enhancing school spirit, and contributing to the greater community through service.